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Twin Cities Business - 2007
January - “The Ethos, Pathos, and Logos Combos”
Some leadership principles are timeless, including some lessons we can learn from ancient Greece.
February - "Better, Faster, Cheaper Myopia"
True innovation seems to be falling by the wayside in the pursuit of doing everything “better, faster, and cheaper.”
March - "Your Reputation"
Business leaders have a responsibility to protect their company’s good name because years of reputation-building can be wiped out with one lapse of judgment.
April - "What Flips Your Pancakes?"
In order to be an effective and successful business leader, you must understand basic human motivation, and that not all employees are motivated by the same stimulus.
May - "Shareholder Protection...At What Cost?"
Remember back to 2002 when Congress wanted to restore shareholder confidence by fighting fraud and making financial reporting more reliable?
June - "M&A as Leapfrog Strategy"
The new world of globalization is moving at warp-speed, so virtually no one has the time to wait for traditional research and development. Rather, the days of multi-million-dollar R&D projects is being replaced by multi-million dollar acquisitions of start-ups that offer leapfrogging technology and entreprenerial spirit to established companies.
July - "Where's the Beef?"
In light of the current trend of excessive executive compensation, it seems that the compensation system and its governance is broken. We are merely churning money, and a select few in the money value chain are getting very rich without adding anything of value. I have to ask: where's the beef?
August - "To Be an Effective Leader Follower"
As time passes and I gain experience, I realize that in order to be an effective leader, I must also be an effective follower. The truth is that it takes both effective leadership and followship for an organization to accomplish its goals. It's impossible to be a leader without a following.
September - "The Tyranny of the Urgent"
Lately I've realized that everyone is in such a rush that we don't have time to do things right (with the irony being that we're forced to find time to do them over). We are reactive, overloaded, anxious, and depressed ... is this progress?
October - "Loving Critics or Critical Lovers?"
Having active investors is good for business, when they are loving critics. But extreme activist investors whose only interest are their own short-term profits, which they create by being critical lovers, are not good for the long-term health of businesses.
November - "Customers: Lost That Lovin' Feelin'?"
"Dear Mark" gives advice on customer love, such as stopping to think about what you're asking your employees to do when you're asking them to focus on your customers --- you're asking them to change their behavior.
December - " The Case for Activist Directors"
Proactive board members are change agents because they are not afraid to challenge the status quo, have a strong sense of urgency when a company needs to improve its performance, and value "doing it" over "planning for it".
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