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Ventures - 1999
January - "Warning!!!"
There are telltale signs that a financial crises is brewing and has become more heated in recent months.
March - "Debt Doesn't Need to be a Four-Letter Word"
A guide to debt financing.
April - "The Art of the Deal"
Selling your business is more of an art than a science.
May - "Running on Fumes"
How to turn your cash-strapped business into a money machine.
June - "Smart Money"
Build a high-performing company by spending on your staff.
July - "Whistling Past the Graveyard"
A first-person account of a business turnaround.
August - "Get In Shape"
How to get your business ready to raise capital.
September - "The Shell Game"
An alternative to the painful IPO process.
October - "When Prevention is Better Than Cure"
Planning your future capital structure today is a good idea.
December - "The Annual Rain Dance"
How to make the annual budgeting ritual more meaningful.
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