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Twin Cities Business - 2014
January - Indecision is a Decison
Avoiding tough decisions is destructive to organizations. Recognize that indecision is a decision not to act --- leaders must have the strength to insist on conflict resolution.
February - Forget "Gonna" New Year's Resolutions
Unrealistic resolutions or goals established by "Gonna Guys" usually don't get accomplished. Rather, resolve to accomplish goals made within the context of a clear vision of your organization.
March - The Value of Tenured Teams
Don't let the idea that says change is always good drive how you value management stability.
April - When the Buck Stops ... There
Leaders who blame others lose the trust of their organizations and infect all employees with the bad habit of blame-gaming. Take these common-sense ideas to make the buck stop in your organization.
May - He Said, She Said
Gender-rooted miscommunication is endemic in the workplace, but it doesn't have to divide your organization. .
June - Quitting to Win
Knowing when to toss in the towel is an important characteristic of leadership.
August - What Will Your Legacy Be?
Building a successful leadership legacy is about equipping the people you are leading with the tools they need, and about having a purpose greater than the business right in front of you.
September - Your Best Growth May Be Right Under Your Nose
Organic growth may not be that sexy, interesting or attention-getting, but it's a no-brainer growth area that can be successful with some focused and engaged leadership.
October - Irreconcilable Differences
Individual philanthropy is one of our country's foundational freedoms, but recent research suggests it favors the elite instead of the less fortunate.
November - The Primacy of Personality
A leader's personality is the lens through which he or she views the organization's vision, strategy, decisions, teamwork, risk-taking, and challenges, so it is a force that must be reckoned with.
December - Is Influence an Asset or Liability?
Without influence, leaders could not stimulate change, promote strategy or inspire a future vision. I've observed the use and abuse of influence in countless boardrooms and executive offices, and I believe that all executive leaders need the art of productive influence in their toolbox.
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